
Preschool Program
(ages 3 years through 4 years)

The daily adventures continue into preschool and with them come the stepping-stones for a lifetime of learning with our Kids R’ Our Future Preschool Curriculum. Our goal is to help equip your child for the challenges ahead. Supporting each child during this time in their life helps to instill a sense of confidence and accomplishment while basking in their daily successes.

Preschoolers are continuing their learning adventure with a desire to do things on their own and make new discoveries. That’s why we’ve designed our Preschool Program to fulfill the preschool mind.

Preschool aged kids playing

Preschool aged kids

Our Pre-School Program

  • Focuses on learning, creativity, and cooperation with others
  • Emphasis on development of self-confidence, curiosity, and self-discipline
  • “Creative Curriculum” includes music, language, physical, social, academic skills, and creative expression
  • Learn to respect others
  • Develop a positive attitude toward school and learning
  • Small group activities planned for every child, throughout every day
  • Literacy and writing activities are age appropriate and provided daily
  • Activities and music to balance learning and fun
  • Emotional and social development with peers and teachers
  • Planned outdoor activities for physical fitness and development
  • Daily enrichment activities to encourage imaginative and creative play
  • Progress reports on child’s daily accomplishments
  • Decision-making skills to support growing mind